The Intelligent Interactive Systems Group at Harvard was founded in September of 2009. We design, build and evaluate interactive systems that have some machine intelligence under the hood. This work requires simultaneous innovation in design and computation so we engage a wide range of methods from qualitative research, through design and quantitative controlled experiments, to building new algorithms and implementing working systems.

Some of the things we are are currently working on include:

If you are interested in joining our group (as a PhD student, a postdoctoral fellow, or an undergraduate researcher), here is some relevant information.


Dec 6, 2024: Advice we give when professional colleagues tell us that their organization urgently needs to adopt AI: Keep calm and carry on, with or without AI.

Nov 12, 2024: Hongjin presented a paper on Centering Community Organizations in Artificial Intelligence for Social Good Partnerships at CSCW’24! We also have a blog post summarizing the key points.